Monday, February 22, 2010

Headed to Nam - 40 Years Later

Monday, 22 FEB - ATL airport - first blog entry of a trip halfway around the world in search of a time warp. If you've received an email and clicked on the URL, come along as six friends poke around the Vietnam of 2010 for a couple of weeks.

So far, everything is just as I remember it from the first time - long lines, paperwork, anxious travelers. It's still a 24 hour trip thru Japan. What's different? Guns and knives - no one seemed to care in 1970. The more you had the better you were. Now they worry about shampoo. We'll see if the flight attendants look any better.

My buddy Doug Bernon, PhD, PhD and a smart analyst if there ever was one, thinks it's a personal voyage of discovery. Maybe. But Doogie diagnosed Chalupa the Chihuahua as "confused" so let's wait and see. Next entry in 2 days. Chao, Al


  1. Big Al - Imagine your IPOD is filled with music from the times. What a journey you are on, "confused" (NOT!), self discovery, closure - whatever. We know you will inhale deeply and get the most out of the experience. We're with you Al, if only in thought and spirit. Keep writing and clickin'.

    Brian (& Sherrie)

  2. have a blast, al. don't come home anymore dinky dau than you were when you left. you souveneir me one bottle ba moui ba and i souveneir you one more bottle numba one rum when you get home, g.i. greg olney,
